转换到Blogger in beta失败

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天用Blogger的时候想更改一下模板,顺便把Google 日历添加到网页里面,当什么事情都搞完以后,我选择重新发布整个Blog,几秒钟以后,发布完成,结果一个令我惊奇的现象出现了,在发布完成的右边出现了一段链接和一段话,大意是讲我可以马上转换成Blogger in beta,这可是令我梦寐以求的啊。不犹豫,马上点击Switch your blog today,进入一个网页,填写我的Blogger账号和密码,同意隐私条约以后点击下一步,然后填写我的Google账户和密码,然后开始转换.......

段时间的心惊肉跳的等待以后,出现了一个网页,告诉我可以到我的Gmail邮箱里面查收有关邮件,于是马上进入我的邮箱,果然有邮件,不过邮件标题是Could not switch you to the new Blogger

Thanks for your interest in the new Blogger in beta. An error has occurred that has prevented us from switching your account at this time. Our engineers have been notified of the issue, and your blogs and Blogger account should not be affected.

Please try switching again later via the promo in your dashboard, and please remember your Google Account information as you will need it to switch to the new version of Blogger. For now, you can still log in to Blogger using your original Blogger account.

Thanks for your patience
The Blogger team



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